DeKalb, IL Family Photography

Seth and I photographed some of our oldest friends last month.  This family is very special to us because at any given time in our lives, at least one member of this family has had a direct influence on us.  We just can't rid of them! (In a good way!! ;) ) Here are Dan and Laura.  We met them through their sons Toby and Peter probably 15 or so years ago.  For the past 8-ish years, they've been mentors to us and have helped us make some very important decisions about our marriage, family, and careers.  They are two of the most loving, Godly people I've ever known, and I can honestly say that we wouldn't be who we are today if it weren't for them.

Chris is their oldest son. Him and his wife, Heather, were our Bible study leaders for the past two years up until December.  Lucas loves playing with Katie, Titus, and Timothy. And I'm sure he'll enjoy playing with baby #4, when he/she is born this summer!

Peter was the best man in our wedding and is currently relocating from Chile to Washington D.C. with his wife and son, Ona and Oliver.  We're soooo excited that they'll be closer!!  Lucas and Oliver became fast friends during their visit in February.

(Seth couldn't resist setting up a epic image when he saw that Oliver was wearing his Batman outfit. ;) )

I graduated high school with Toby and his wife Allison.  (Allison was one of my best friends in junior high and high school!!)  Their son Joshua is a little sweetheart!!!!!

Man, I think Caleb was, like, 11 or 12 when I first met him.  Now he's married to Nicole and they have a sweet little daughter, Lavi.

Jake is the youngest.  He must have been 9 or 10 when we met him.  Maaaaan that makes me feel old.  I photographed his marriage to Christy in 2011. :)  He and Seth have had a secret handshake "since forever" (Seth's words) that they do every time they see each other.   

I LOOOOOOOVE this image of Dan and Laura with all of their grandkids!

I don't normally photograph large group family sessions, but these guys were an exception. :)  (See Titus cracking up down there at the bottom left?  That's because Seth was acting like a monkey behind me ;) Worth it.)